Lower Extremity Blood Flow Restriction Training in Athletes Significantly Improves Strength-Related Outcomes in 58% of Studies Compared to Non–Blood Flow Restriction Control
Increased Risk of Fracture, Dislocation, and Hospitalization Are Assoc. With Collision in Contact Sports
Dr. LaPrade is Quoted in Healio Orthopedics Today – What Nonoperative Approaches for Knee OA Do You Use in Recreational vs Advanced Athletes?
The Orthopaedic Forum Guidelines for Ambulatory Surgery Centers for the Care of Surgically Necessary/Time-Sensitive Orthopaedic Cases during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Single-Stage Multiple-Ligament Knee Reconstructions for Sports-Related Injuries: Outcomes in 194 Patients
Editorial Commentary: Small Incisions Can Make Big Mistakes: Knee Lateral Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Is All About the Anatomy!
Symptomatic Focal Knee Chondral Injuries in National Football League Combine Players Are Associated With Poorer Performance and Less Volume of Play
Biologic Treatments for Sports Injuries II Think Tank – Current Concepts, Future Research, and Barriers to Advancement, Part 1
Biologic Treatments for Sports Injuries II Think Tank—Current Concepts, Future Research, and Barriers to Advancement, Part 1
Biologic Treatments for Sports Injuries II Think Tank—Current Concepts, Future Research, and Barriers to Advancement, Part 2
Prevalence of Increased Alpha Angles as a Measure of Cam-Type Femoroacetabular Impingement in Youth Ice Hockey Players
Ice Hockey Goaltender Rehabilitation, Including On-Ice Progression, After Arthroscopic Hip Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement
Accuracy of a contour-based biplane fluoroscopy technique for tracking knee joint kinematics of different speeds
Rehabilitation Exercise Progression for the Gluteus Medius Muscle With Consideration for Iliopsoas Tendinitis
In Vivo Tibiofemoral Kinematics During 4 Functional Tasks of Increasing Demand Using Biplane Fluoroscopy
Assessment of Differences Between the Modified Cincinnati and International Knee Documentation Committee Patient Outcome Scores
The Effect of the Mandatory Use of Face Masks on Facial Lacerations and Head and Neck Injuries in Ice Hockey