Thank You for Choosing Dr. LaPrade!

Physicians from around the world often refer patients to Dr. LaPrade for his extensive expertise in complex knee injuries and treatments. To help these patients traveling nationally and internationally, we have set up an expedited care plan.

First Office Visit Goals

The goal of the first office visit is to provide a treatment recommendation. During the visit, Dr. LaPrade and his team will complete a full evaluation in order to confirm the diagnosis and then outline your treatment options and care plan. Those planning to use health insurance for their office visit and treatment will likely need to plan a one day visit for physical exam and treatment plan and if surgery is recommended, return at a later date to undergo surgery.

Our team makes every effort to ensure both the evaluation and final treatment plan are completed in one day to minimize waiting time for traveling patients. However, when scheduling travel to and from the Twin Cities, please consider arriving the day prior to your office visit to allow for airline changes and delays, etc. (accommodation list below)

Appointment Expectations

In order to provide the best treatment options based on your individual recovery goals, Dr. LaPrade and his team must complete a comprehensive initial evaluation. Depending on diagnostic testing and advanced imaging needs, this visit can take several hours. Please plan to dedicate a full day to your evaluation.

A full knee exam is necessary to determine causes of pain and specific injuries. This exam is supplemented with radiographs (x-rays), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and/or computed tomography (CT scan) to determine your diagnosis and best treatment plan. In most cases, our traveling patients already have some imaging that they hand-carry to the visit, and those details will be reviewed prior to ordering additional imaging.*

*Please note: Dr. LaPrade requires a series of x-rays prior to his evaluation. If you have had x-rays completed prior to your visit with Dr. LaPrade, additional views may be ordered. Often times, some views have already been completed but not all that are needed will be available from your local physician.

During your first visit, you can expect:

  • a brief interview with a clinical team member while escorting you to a clinic room
  • a review of additional or initial x-rays needed
  • new x-rays taken by a technician
  • a physical exam and history taken by a Sports Medicine Fellow or Physician Assistant
  • a meeting with Dr. LaPrade for further physical exam, diagnosis, and treatment plan*

* When advanced imaging (MRI and/or CT scan) is needed to finalize your treatment plan, we order same day and try to have scans completed and read within the same day. Unfortunately, some health insurance plans require an approval process and your imaging must be scheduled for a later date in order to meet the carrier’s coverage guidelines.

Surgery Scheduling

If surgery is recommended, it will be scheduled for a later date pending insurance approval and postoperative stay arrangements.

Those who elect to undergo surgery with Dr. LaPrade should anticipate 3-5 additional office visits after surgery to see Dr. LaPrade within the first year and potentially annually.