News Articles

CrossFit Knee Injuries

Are Knee Injuries in CrossFit Common?

As CrossFit becomes more popular, we are finding a larger number of patients that present to us with injuries that they sustained while doing CrossFit activities. This is particularly true in the young and middle-aged adult population, whereby a lot of stress in the knee can cause cartilage damage, which […]

CrossFit Knee Injuries

Football Knee Injuries

Why are Knee Injuries Common in Football?

Knee injuries are very common in football. They can include both noncontact and contact injuries. Unfortunately, there is a very high risk for significant knee injuries, such as an ACL tear, due to the twisting, turning, planting, and other mechanisms that places the knee at risk when playing […]

Football Knee Injuries

Pain Behind the Knee with Extension

What Causes Pain Behind the Knee with Extension?

Pain behind the knee with extension is not that common. Most posterior knee pain is present with deep knee flexion or kneeling. Therefore, it is important to understand the region of the pain to help delineate what the source of the pain may be coming from.

Back of the […]

Pain Behind the Knee with Extension

ACL Reconstruction Graft Choices

What Graft is Best for ACL Reconstruction?

There are many different graft choices for ACL reconstructions, and it is important to recognize the differences among all of them.  First, there is a difference between using one’s own tissues, an autograft, and using a cadaver’s tissues, called an allograft.  It is well recognized in the peer reviewed literature that […]

ACL Reconstruction Graft Choices

Causes of Pain Under the Kneecap

What are the Causes of Pain Under the Kneecap?

There are many cause of pain under the kneecap and on the front part of the knee. In the past, these pain generators were generically-called either “patellofemoral chondromalacia” or “anterior knee pain.” In general, sports medicine specialists today prefer to have a diagnosis based on specific pathology. […]

Causes of Pain Under the Kneecap

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears While Skiing – A Common Problem in Vail

Knee Injury in Skiers

Unfortunately, one of the most common injuries that occurs during skiing is a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.  The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is an important ligament to prevent one’s knee from having problems with twisting, turning, or pivoting activities.  One can tear their ACL during skiing by a fall, a twist […]

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears While Skiing – A Common Problem in Vail

Kneecap Dislocations in Skiing and Sports – Get Treated Soon

Kneecap Dislocation Overview

A kneecap dislocation is a fairly common injury, and most often happens to athletes in the teenage years.  It is also a fairly common skiing injury so we see them quite frequently in Vail.

The kneecap is a free-floating bone (which we call a sesamoid bone) located between one’s quadriceps tendon and the patellar tendon.  It […]

Kneecap Dislocations in Skiing and Sports – Get Treated Soon

Meniscus Root Tears in Skiing and Every Day Activities – Get Them Fixed!!

Anatomy of the Meniscus Root

The meniscus is the all-important shock absorber of the knee.  An injury to the meniscus can make or break one’s knee-joint health over the long term.  Therefore, obtaining a proper diagnosis of a meniscus tear is very important to being able to continue activities as one ages.  There is a special type of […]

Meniscus Root Tears in Skiing and Every Day Activities – Get Them Fixed!!
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