
The Effects of Grade III Posterolateral Knee Complex Injuries on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Force

AJSM 1999

To determine if untreated grade III injuries of the posterolateral structures contribute to increased force on an anterior cruciate ligament graft, we measured the force in the graft in cadaveric knees during joint loading after reconstruction with otherwise intact structures and in the same reconstructed knees after selected cutting of specific posterolateral knee structures.

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The Effects of Grade III Posterolateral Knee Complex Injuries on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Force

Effects of Aggressive Notchplasty Normal Dog Knee

AJSM 1998

We assessed the possible association between an aggressive intercondylar notchplasty and histopathologic, radiographic, and gait changes to the knee. Three groups of six adult greyhounds were observed for 6 months. Group I dogs had a sham operation. Group II dogs had a 4-mm notchplasty of the lateral femoral condyle where it articulates with the lateral tibial spine. Group III dogs […]

Effects of Aggressive Notchplasty Normal Dog Knee

The Reharvested Central Third of the Patellar Tendon

AJSM 1997

We assessed the histologic, mechanical, and structural properties of the reharvested central-third patellar tendon in greyhounds. Twelve dogs had the central third of the patellar tendon (5 mm) removed with corresponding bone blocks from the patella and tibia; the remaining tendon defect was loosely closed.

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The Reharvested Central Third of the Patellar Tendon

Femoral Intercondylar Notch Stenosis and and ACL Injuries

AJSM 1994

To evaluate the possible relationship between femoral intercondylar notch stenosis and anterior cruciate ligament injuries in pivoting and cutting sports, a 2-year prospective study was performed on intercollegiate athletes at a Division I university. Daily practice times and athlete participation in practices  and games were recorded for each sport during the 2-year period. Bilateral intercondylar notch view radiographs were taken of […]

Femoral Intercondylar Notch Stenosis and and ACL Injuries
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