
About Robert LaPrade, MD

Robert LaPrade, MD, PhD has specialized skills and expertise in diagnosing and treating complicated knee injuries. He has treated athletes at all levels, including Olympic, professional and intercollegiate athletes, and has returned numerous athletes back to full participation after surgeries. Recognized globally for his outstanding and efficient surgical skills and dedication to sports medicine, he has received many research awards, including the OREF Clinic Research Award considered by many a Nobel Prize in orthopedics. Dr. LaPrade is one of the most published investigators in his field, and many of the surgeries that he has developed are now performed worldwide and recognized as the “gold standard” for the treatment of complex knee injuries.

Arthroscopy-Assisted Open Fabella Excision With Medial Meniscus Revision Repair


Chukwuma T. Iwuoha, MA, Luke V. Tollefson, BS, Joey Larson, BS, Nicholas I. Kennedy,MD, and Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD

*Investigation performed at Twin Cities Orthopedics, Edina, Minnesota, USA



The fabella is a sesamoid bone that is a normal anatomic variant yet a rare cause of pathology in the posterolateral portion of the knee. The fabella […]

Arthroscopy-Assisted Open Fabella Excision With Medial Meniscus Revision Repair

Inflammatory Biomarkers and State of the Tibiofemoral Joint in the Osteoarthritic Knee: A Narrative Review


Mitchell Iung KennedyConner P. OlsonNicholas N. DePhillipoAdam J. TaglieroRobert F. LaPradeNicholas I. Kennedy


Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Spokane, WA, USA; 2University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 4Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; 5Twin Cities Orthopedics, Edina, MN, USA; 6Orthopedics […]

Inflammatory Biomarkers and State of the Tibiofemoral Joint in the Osteoarthritic Knee: A Narrative Review

An Anatomic Reconstruction of Both the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Fibular Collateral Ligament Using Autografts


Luke V. Tollefson B.S., Evan P. Shoemaker B.A., Nathan J. Jacobson M.D., Erik L. Slette M.D., Robert F. LaPrade M.D., Ph.D.


Fibular collateral ligament (FCL) tears rarely occur in isolation and are typically injured in conjunction with another ligament, including the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Reconstruction of both […]

An Anatomic Reconstruction of Both the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Fibular Collateral Ligament Using Autografts

Concomitant Opening-Wedge Distal Femoral Osteotomy and Anterior Closing-Wedge Proximal Tibial Osteotomy With Tunnel Bone Grafting for the First Stage of a Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction


Luke V. Tollefson B.S., Evan P. Shoemaker B.A., Erik L. Slette M.D., Robert F. LaPrade M.D., Ph.D.


Multiple risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction graft failure have been reported, including improper tunnel placement, unrepaired meniscus or ligamentous injuries, and coronal/sagittal malalignment. Various biomechanical studies have reported on the increased forces experienced by […]

Concomitant Opening-Wedge Distal Femoral Osteotomy and Anterior Closing-Wedge Proximal Tibial Osteotomy With Tunnel Bone Grafting for the First Stage of a Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, and Luke Tollefson, BS Give Perspective on Proximal Tibial Bony Anatomy May Predict Risk of Posterior Meniscal Root Tears

Perspective From:

Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, and Luke Tollefson, BS


The article “Increased posterior tibial slope is associated with increased risk of meniscal root tears” by Jorge Chahla MD, PhD, and colleagues helps to assimilate data in the literature on the fact that increased posterior tibial slope is not only associated with ACL tears, […]

Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, and Luke Tollefson, BS Give Perspective on Proximal Tibial Bony Anatomy May Predict Risk of Posterior Meniscal Root Tears

Dr. LaPrade to Co-Chair the Complex Knee Course Sponsored by Smith and Nephew | Dubai, UAE June 7-9, 2024

Dr. LaPrade to co-Chair with Dr Charlie Brown and Other Distinguished Faculty

Dr LaPrade is looking forward to co-chairing this complex knee course sponsored by Smith and Nephew with Dr Charlie Brown and other distinguished faculty in Dubai, UAE June 7-9, 2024! He looks forward to teaching surgical pearls and steps for many  anatomic-based knee  reconstruction […]

Dr. LaPrade to Co-Chair the Complex Knee Course Sponsored by Smith and Nephew | Dubai, UAE June 7-9, 2024

Outstanding Author, Dr. Robert F. LaPrade, Featured in AOJ Online Journal

Dr. Robert LaPrade Was Recently Interviewed By AOJ as an Outstanding Author

In 2024, many AOJ authors made outstanding contributions to their journal. The articles published with them have received great feedback in the field and stimulate a lot of discussions and new insights among orthopedic peers. This month, AOJ highlighted Dr. Robert F. LaPrade, one of […]

Outstanding Author, Dr. Robert F. LaPrade, Featured in AOJ Online Journal

Dr. LaPrade Looking Forward to Presenting a Highlight ESSKA Lecture: “Development of Medial and Lateral Knee Injury Treatment” in Milan on May 9th!

“Development of medial and lateral knee injury treatment” will be the topic of Dr. LaPrade’s Highlight ESSKA lecture in Milan, Italy

Highlight Lectures – Special Lectures

When: May 8-10, 2024

Where: Milan, Italy

Presented by: ESSKA

What: From orthopaedic pioneers to sports medicine experts, these leaders will share their insights, innovations, and experiences to elevate your […]

Dr. LaPrade Looking Forward to Presenting a Highlight ESSKA Lecture: “Development of Medial and Lateral Knee Injury Treatment” in Milan on May 9th!

Dr. LaPrade Will Teach at Smith & Nephew’s Anatomic Knee Ligament Reconstruction Course

Dr. Robert LaPrade will be on the Faculty for the Anatomic Knee Ligament Reconstruction Instructional Course sponsored by Smith & Nephew

Dr. LaPrade is honored to be faculty on this outstanding course, sponsored by Smith and Nephew, with 5 separate cadaver lab sessions for the participants. He is looking forward to teaching the details of our […]

Dr. LaPrade Will Teach at Smith & Nephew’s Anatomic Knee Ligament Reconstruction Course

Inflammatory Synovial Biomarkers and State of the Tibiofemoral Joint in the Post-surgical Settings: a Narrative Review


Luke V. TollefsonMitchell I. KennedyAdam J. TaglieroKonrad MalinowskiJorge Chahla, Gilbert MoatsheNicholas I. KennedyRobert F. LaPradeNicholas N. DePhillipo


Twin Cities Orthopedics, Edina, MN, USA; Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Spokane, WA, USA; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, […]

Inflammatory Synovial Biomarkers and State of the Tibiofemoral Joint in the Post-surgical Settings: a Narrative Review
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